Domestic Students Application Form

Our application process for domestic/local students is designed to be convenient, straightforward, and user-friendly. By completing our application form, you are taking the first step toward an enriching educational journey with us.

    Applicant Information

    Full Name


    Program Information

    Education History

    How did you hear about us?

    Emergency Contact


    Withdrawal and Fee Refund Policy

    The withdrawal notice by a student shall be in an Hamptons College Students Program Withdrawal Form which is available at the Students Services Office. The tuition fee should be assessed and refunded to the government as per policy and the signed Alberta Student Aid Enrolment Contract.

    Refund Process

    Refunds will be processed within 30 days of withdrawal to the funding agency. The appropriate form must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar. All tuition fees, payments and refunds are assessed in accordance with the guidelines outlined by the Private Career College Branch of Alberta Ministry of Advanced Education.

    Attendance policy

    Students are expected to attend all classes, labs, practicums etc., in which they are registered. Daily attendance records are kept on our LMS uptil six months after the program completion. Please note that the government has the right to revoke financial assistance based on poor attendance and/or academic performance and ur unable to join the class, the student should informed in wrting to the School /
    Admin / Teacher.

    I hereby agreed and disclose my above information and give consent to disclose to Student Aid when required.

    ****For detailed policies please refer to our Website / Student Handbook / LMS or contact finance department. ****

    Disclaimer and Signature

    By signing this form, I agree that the institution provided me enough information about the program, policies & procedures.

    Are you INTERNATIONAL Student?