The following is the Student Complaint Procedure that needs to be followed:

All formal complaints to the administration must be in writing.

Lodging a complaint will have no adverse consequences on the status of the complainant in their course or program of study.

Student complaint policies and procedures apply to individual or group complaints

All formal written complaints should be addressed to the registrar listed below.

Complaints must be initiated within 14 days of the event that led to the complaint.

The student should first approach the instructor with an informal verbal complaint if it's related to study or schedule.

If the concern(s) cannot be resolved the student can then escalate the informal verbal complaint to the Program Coordinator. If no resolution is accomplished at the Program Coordinator level the student will be required to submit a formal complaint in writing to the Registrar of HAMPTONS College.

Within 10 days of receiving the complaint, a meeting will be arranged between the student, instructor, Program Coordinator, and the Registrar of HAMPTONS College. (This meeting may also be attended by the Academic Lead if it involves Academics, and by the HR Representative if it is of an HR nature). The student may be accompanied by an advocate of their choice at all stages of the complaint process and this person may take oral submissions on behalf of the student.

The student will have an opportunity to make an oral presentation of the complaint at this meeting and to have another person present or another person make the oral presentation on his/her behalf. The proceedings and outcome will be documented.

Upon review of the complaint and any other relevant information, the Registrar will make a decision. The decision will be communicated to the student in writing within 21 business days following the meeting and will contain the reasons for the decision.

HAMPTONS College will maintain a record of all students at their campus for a period of three years from the date of the decision. This record will include a copy of the written student complaint, any submissions filed, and the written decision.

Note: Complaints on nonofficial sites, social groups, and chat rooms will NOT be considered a complaint, such act will be considered dishonesty and against discipline and will be subject to disciplinary action/Termination. If anyone leads to breach the policy and creates a problem inside the class or in social groups or discussed the administrative concerns without bringing in written form to college administration staff will be considered as miss conduct and dishonesty.

Classrooms will only be for educational purposes, assignments, exams, and quizzes.

All your concerns should be addressed at the following address


Phone: 403-994-9994

1-2135 32 AVE NE Calgary, Alberta


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